Sharing science-based information and compassion

In my 30-year career as a psychotherapist, I've had the privilege of helping thousands of clients. Many have been victims or perpetrators of violence. I'm passionate about trauma recovery, violence prevention, and the healing power of heart-to-heart connections. I know that individually and collectively we can make a difference. Despite the often heavy topics I discuss, I love to laugh.

In private practice since 1991, it's also been my pleasure to work as a member of multi-disciplinary treatment teams in domestic violence shelters, rape crisis centers, substance abuse treatment centers, community mental health clinics, forensic mental health programs, residential treatment, and mobile crisis teams.

I listen. I speak. I write.

I'm not afraid of the hard stuff or controversial subjects. My clients know they can talk to me about anything. I'll listen. My friends know I'll never shy away from a tough discussion. I'll problem-solve. 

Our world is often harsh and unkind; people suffer -- and we can't solve problems we don't understand. Whether I'm writing about child abuse, addiction, domestic violence, the criminal justice system, or how to prevent mass killings, the focus is always on developing insight, compassion, and the healing power of positive human relationships. 


 I'm in private practice via telehealth in both California and Oregon and presently live in Portland. I'm licensed to practice psychotherapy in both states. My house is always filled with cats and dogs and music and art.  My husband lives here too. We love the forest and all its creatures.

"The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress."

Joseph Jouber